Thursday, March 27, 2008

Another sweaty day!

Well it's Thursday night and it's hard to believe we are almost halfway through our trip! Today was another amazing day of interactions and food distribution. In the morning we went to a school to play games and exchange art work. The children at this school were working on their English. I had so much fun with about 20 kids. They all took turns saying "hello my name is_____, what's your name? i am x years old and how are you today?" I would answere and would ask them the same questions. Then they tried to get me to ask the same questions in Vietnamese. All I can say is that it turned into and giggeling session and then into "pee in your pants" laughing session. They thought i was so funny! I may take this shstick on the road!

I would have to say the funniest part of the day was when another woman and I went to the "grocery store". We need to get snacks for the kids and I needed to get some stuff for Maya and a couple of beers for me! We take a taxi literally 2 blocks because the gals at the hotel said it was much to far to walk... We arrive at the store and soon assemble a large antorage to follow us through the store. They follow along and giggle, good thing I have a decent self image! We get all the stuff we need and go to check out. Well, I guess people don't wait in line here. If yoiu are unloading your cart, everyone goes ahead of you! Charlene, the woman I was with is unloading onto the counter and 1 guy goes in front of her. She says out load, "sure go ahead, I'm just unloading, no need for you to wait!!!!". Of course no body understands and they all start giggeling. Another guy cuts her off she says the same thing and they all react the same way Number 3 comes along and Charlene, a middle school principal, throws her hand in the air, yells STOP, I AM NEXT!!!! and they all stop, stare and giggle! The 2 of us were laughing so hard we couldn't even get our money out to pay! The people at the store came over to help us!!!

We took the kids to a great park to play. When you go anywhere you usually have an official following right behind. Well, this one official was standing and watching all of us play soccer and frisbee oh and my darling child was letting balloons go flying and making a hidious sound as they lost air through out the park, cute, huh? Well, this one official began to play frisbee with the kids. It was amazing!!! we have great pictures, just have to find out on who's camera so I can post. The officials in Vietnam are not typically shall we say out to make friends, so this was really amazing!

Tomorrow we leave Dong Thap and head back to Saigon. We will do work on saturday and then have camp on Sunday and half day Monday. will post more from Saigon.

I also want to apologize for typos and the lack of a ton of detail. By the time I sit to do this it's late and I am exhausted!
Love to all!
oh and Maryann, i tried to email you, but it wouldn't go through!
and Stepahnie, just in case I don't get on line tomorrow night, have a fantastic wedding day!!!!!! Congratultions to both you and Dane! I will raise my glass to you at breakfast on Saturay as you all raise yours to toast your wedding!!!!!!

And... to get more info on our trip and other perspectives check out the catalyst blog and sand's blog, both listed under "other sites" to the right of this page. don't go to, that's just their web site, go to the 2 others!
Off to bed for me! have a great day everyone!

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