Thursday, January 3, 2008

Travel Clinic

We had our appointment with the travel clinic at UCONN. Maya was very nervous about the shots! We both needed typhoid and Hep A, so not too bad. Maya was a trooper! The appointment was informative and we left with some scrips for antibiotics and malaria pills. I feel better knowing that we have what we need. when I went in 1999 I didn't have any shots or scrips for anything. I made out just fine, but traveling with a child changes the thought process a tad!

We sent off passport copies so that Catalyst could apply for our visas. It's beginning to get more exciting! March 20th isn't all that far away! I am so curious as to what Maya's reaction will be once we arrive in Vietnam. She is the type of kid that holds her cards pretty close to the vest. When I ask her what she is most excited about she replies "shopping"! So, we'll see!

1 comment:

  1. My husband and I can relate to some of your story.

    We have been planning and preparing to leave on September 30th. Justin and I will be backpacking to various countries around the world for a year or so.

    Imagine what they would have said to you and Maya at the travel clinic if you would have told them that.

    It's been an interesting process. Feel free to offer your advice, opinion, encouragement, etc.
