Monday, January 14, 2008


I am so excited! Maya and I sent out fundraising letters a couple of weeks ago, I am amazed by the generosity of so many of our friends and family, it's really very overwhelming!!! We truly are so fortunate!

I had a conf. call last night with Caroline and Scot and about 20+ others who will be traveling with their children. It was a wonderful call. We spoke about the children's reactions in past expeditions to the poverty, food, culture, etc... I got so excited after the call. I can't wait to go!

We only have 7 more weeks! i know the time will fly. We still have some things to do before we leave. Maya is composing a letter to all of her school mates. She is hoping to have all of the children in her school, there are almost 1,000, put together a large zip-lock bag containing a t-shirt, toothbrush, tooth paste, a picture drawn by the child and a photo of the child. Maya hopes to collect all of these bags and bring them with us. She will have the opportunity to pass them out at one of the many schools she will be visiting. I think it's a really wonderful thing for her to do. I think it will be really important to empower all of the children on this trip!

As I get more information regarding exactly what we will be doing during our trip, I will pass it on. I do know there are 3 teams: the school team, the home building team and the medical team. I hope to experience all of them!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations Maya on such a great fundraising idea. You will bless so many kids in Vietnam with your hard work and kindness.

    Please email me your address so I can send a donation.

    2004 VN Aid Expedition
